樓主 |
發表于 2008-3-25 10:38:12
老中:Hi, good morning! (練這句話有用嗎?早會了,也不用到外國練呀。
老外:Morning! Nice weather ah? Any plan for the weekend? (嘿,全聽懂了,真是太棒了。)
老中:Stay in home. (想說點啥,一時沒想起,這句接得還周正;蛟S有點毛病?反正人家聽懂了直點頭,也沒提出異議。)
老外:OK. Did you know last night there was a racoon got trapped in the dumpster? I heard the noise and called the cops, then they came and called the vets. A vet shot a tranquilizer dart from the tree at the its butt, ah bang, bulls-eye! Hell of a shot. Still, took them another hour to rescue tha’ poor bastard…
這回傻眼了。在老中聽來,是這樣的 ..last night …tra…dumpter? Heard noice ….shut ….lazer, 還有。。。什么“不在”啊不可能,老外一定不會中文,可能是個和中文“不在”同音的字吧。接下來是an hour ….pour…butter? 不懂,于是尷尬地說了聲see you later. 回屋了。設想一下,如果多聽幾遍是否就能懂?就算多聽幾遍,把一些連接處聽懂了,there was, heard the noise, called.. took…..仍有很多難點,比如racoon, trapped, dumpster, vets, tranquilizer, bulls-eye, 所以還是不明白。那在多聽呀,比如重復一百遍tranquilizer, tranquilizer, trann-qui-li-zerr!能懂嗎?大家知道一定不行。所以并不是多聽就多懂。 |